Children who live in households that struggle with hunger rely on school meals to get them through the day, making school breakfast and lunch programs vital to student and school success.
Perform better on tests
Improved memory & concentration
Achieve stronger attendance records
Visit to the school nurse less often
Key Facts
Only 61% of Missouri students who eat free or reduced-price lunch also eat breakfast when it is served in the cafeteria because they may not be able to get to school in time to eat, or they may not want to be singled out as receiving free meals.
Teachers report that having students eat breakfast together improves their interactions.
Not only is the School Breakfast Program cost-effective and beneficial to schools, it prepares students for success in the classroom and beyond.
How Breakfast After the Bell Impacts Children
Improved Math Scores
Greater Concentration in the Classroom
Better Attendance
Fewer Trips to the Nurse
School Options
Fueling kids with nutrition they need to be successful for the rest of the day.
Breakfast in the Classroom
Meals are delivered and eaten in the classroom at the start of each school day.
Grab & Go Breakfast
Students can grab their breakfast from carts or kiosks in the hallway and eat them in their classrooms or common areas.
Second Chance Breakfast
Students are offered a “second chance” to eat breakfast after first period rather than before the school day begins.
How Breakfast After the Bell Impacts Children
To learn more about our work to increase participation in school breakfast programs visit the Missouri School Breakfast website.