My Observations at OFS

My name is Emily and I am a dietetic intern at St. Louis VA Medical Center. I just finished my two-week rotation with Operation Food Search. Coming in to this rotation, I didn’t know much about OFS, about the community in which they serve, or about the programs they offer.

Here is what I learned:

  • The staff is phenomenal. I attended a staff meeting where I saw every single dedicated employee in attendance, the joy on their faces when talking about projects they were working on, the passion in their eyes, and the motivation to continue to work hard for the people they serve. This inspired me. This made me realize how special of an organization I had been working with.
  • The countless and selfless volunteers are just as dedicated to the organization as the employees.
  • The programs are like no other I’ve ever seen. Operation Food Search is much more than a food bank. They are a lifeline to so many people in need. Those people could be families with newborns, elementary school children, parents/grandparents, employees wanting nutrition education, and everyone in between. My favorite classes to be involved in were Cooking Matters classes in different elementary schools. I enjoyed teaching kids about nutrition, helping them cook delicious, nutritious meals, and knowing they were going home with full bellies.
  • All of the participants in the classes I attended were eager to learn, excited to cook, and prepared to take what they have learned home to their families and friends.

These past 2 weeks have opened my eyes to many things. I absolutely loved being here and learned so much more than what I ever expected. Thank you to the staff, volunteers, and participants for everything you do for the city of St. Louis!

Emily Willems, Dietetic Intern

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