The last 2 weeks, I have had the wonderful opportunity of working as a member of the Operation Food Search team. As a Dietetic Intern at Saint Louis University, I have had numerous opportunities throughout the past year which have allowed me to educate others on nutrition and healthy living practices. As my rotations come to an end, and as I reflect back on each experience this year has given me, my time spent at Operation Food Search has definitely been some of the most rewarding time spent.
Cooking Matters is a unique program that Operation Food Search has created which allows individuals of all ages to come together and learn about nutrition in a hands-on learning environment. Classes include nutrition education as well as cooking lessons. During my time with Operation Food Search, I was able to lead several childrens and adult classes. Unlike other nutrition classes I have taught, I was able to not only provide nutrition information, but also show class participants how to use this information in their everyday lives. Seeing the smile on a child’s face when they first taste a recipe they made completely on their own, or listening to a group of women sing while cutting vegetables; listening to children yelling out new foods they have tried since the last class, or watching people of all different backgrounds come together to create and share a meal; these are just a few of the rewarding experiences I have had while working as an instructor for Cooking Matters classes.
Other opportunities with Operation Food Search, such as grocery store tours and cooking demonstrations, have also allowed me to bring nutrition to life for the individuals OFS serves. By providing instruction on unit pricing and walking through the grocery store with a class, I have been able to show others that eating healthily does not need to be expensive. Making simple, tasty, healthy meals at cooking demos has allowed me to spark cooking interest in others, as well as show them that cooking is not tedious or burdensome, but enjoyable and fulfilling.
Operation Food Search works daily to end hunger in the St. Louis area. But this organization is so much more than just a food pantry. OFS has taken a unique approach to solving hunger by not only providing the hungry with nutritious food, but also empowering individuals with skills to improve their lives through mindful, healthy eating practices. Thank you Operation Food Search for giving me the opportunity to work with your team and impact lives “one meal at a time”.