Saturday Jubilee Region Wide Food Drive
One Day – One Purpose – Heal Hunger
Most children look forward to being out of school for the summer. But for some parents, summer means struggling to buy enough food to replace the School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program, which are not available during the summer. Low-income families spend an additional $300 per month on food for their kids during the summer. Tough decisions are forced on families on how to stretch or divide already limited resources to put food on the table, pay utilities, daycare or transportation.
On July 30, 2016, Operation Food Search and the Community Council of St. Charles team up to host Saturday Jubilee, a region-wide food drive to help heal summer hunger in our community. The 8th annual Saturday Jubilee will take place from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at more than 140 grocery stores throughout 10 counties in the St. Louis bi-state region, including Dierbergs Markets, Schnucks Markets, Walmart stores, Straub’s Markets, Shop ‘n Save, and Price Chopper.
Operation Food Search and the Community Council of St. Charles will join forces with the Jefferson County Hunger Task Force and Franklin County Hunger Task Force to strengthen our impact in our region. Volunteers will be staffed outside grocery stores to greet customers and collect donation in the City of St. Louis, and in St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson, and Franklin counties in Missouri and in St. Clair, Jefferson, Jackson, and Madison counties in Illinois.
Summer is the hungriest time of year when kids are away from school meals. Nearly 1 in 5 local children are at risk of hunger. Help us help strengthen families in need by shopping and donating non-perishable food items at any area Schnucks, Dierbergs, Straub’s, and Wal-Mart across the St. Louis bi-state region on Saturday, July 30, from 9am until 4pm. Together, we heal summer hunger for thousands of area families and children.