There are several great ways you can help OFS and involve your colleagues and community. Host a food and/or fund drive, start a workplace giving campaign or just drop off some much-needed items at our warehouse!

Donate Food

Operation Food Search accepts all types of food donations in all quantities. While we cannot accept food that is prepared at home, we do accept leftover food from catered events prepared in a commercial kitchen. Proper temperature of food is required (refrigerated or frozen).

Non-perishable donations can be dropped off 24 hours a day in the white donation bin outside our warehouse at
1644 Lotsie Blvd. in St. Louis, MO.

Perishable donations can be dropped off at our warehouse Monday through Friday from 12 to 4 p.m.

Click here for our list of most-needed items.

Food Drives

Food drives bring in quality “meal-maker” non-perishable food items that are in extremely high demand. They are great team-building opportunities that make a huge impact on hunger in the St. Louis region.

OFS employee loading truck
OFS food donation box

Hosting A Drive

Check out our list of our most-needed items. Download List
The timetable for your drive is entirely up to you. Feel free to use our logo and tag us on social media at @opfoodsearch.
With the increase in gas prices, we recently changed the minimum requirement for our driver services. This is a temporary change and we hope it goes back down. Our blue barrels hold about 175 pounds each. These are available for large-scale food drives bringing in more than 800 pounds of donations.  With a six-barrel minimum, our drivers will drop off and pick up the barrels.
Food drive parades work well during this time of social distancing. Designate a day or weekend for donation drop off. Choose a location where donors can easily drive by, pop open a trunk, and volunteers can unload the donations from the vehicles.
After the food drive, please bring the donations to OFS at 1644 Lotsie Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132.  We have a large donation container in our north parking lot for non-perishable food donations. Food donations can be brought to our facility any time, regardless of whether staff is on site.

Please no glass containers (due to breakage), perishable or homemade food.


Fund Drives

Fund drives can be used instead of or in addition to food drives. Because we are able to leverage our partnerships with food suppliers, every dollar donated to help meet the immediate need for food provides $10 in food and services.

We can quickly set up a virtual food drive page for you that is completely secure, customized and easy to use. We can also track donations for you and report ongoing donation totals to motivate participation.

Contact Us

Workplace Giving

We make giving easy! Workplace giving campaigns and fundraisers are a great bang for your buck, saving you time and making even more of an impact in our community. Contact us to acquire a unique, secure online donation link created especially for you or schedule food drive logistics.

Contact Us

Contact OFS for more information. or (314) 451-2472

Shop From Home

There are four easy ways to shop online and have your donations delivered directly to OFS.

Shop our local grocers and choose to deliver directly to OFS.

Deliver to: 1644 Lotsie Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132

Shop via Operation Food Search’s Walmart Registry for Good.


Use the Operation Food Search Charity List on to find a variety of donation options.


Food & Fund Drives Request Form