Operation Food Search

Cookin’ in the Capitol

OFS employees sharing their knowledge at the Missouri Capitol building

The 2020 legislative session began last week in Missouri. OFS was on hand at the state capitol in Jefferson City to talk with lawmakers about our programs and cook up a couple of our favorite recipes.

On the menu was Cajun Mac & Cheese and Black Bean Brownies. All the food featured local Missouri-grown ingredients:

• Onions and carrots from Nolte Hills Nursery in Morrison, MO
• Milk from Ozark Mountain Creamery in Mountain Grove, MO
• Black beans from Bellews Creek Farm in Hillsboro, MO
• Eggs from Dry Dock Farm in Silex, MO

OFS visits the capitol monthly during session to help elected officials understand how to make sure children and families in their districts have the nutrition, food, and skills they need to live healthy lives.

For more information about our policy and advocacy work, please contact Manager of Public Policy, Sarah Ritter.

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