Operation Food Search

Breakfast in the Classroom: Normandy Launch

Normandy Schools Collaborative received a $107,000 grant for its 3,300 students from Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC), a network of national education and nutrition organizations including the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), the NEA Foundation, and the School Nutrition Foundation. Operation Food Search has advocated for the grant and worked with the administration to institute the program at each of the participating schools.

Normandy recently launched the program at Lucas Crossing Elementary Complex and Barack Obama Elementary School with three of the district’s schools – Jefferson Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, and Normandy High School – to offer Breakfast in the Classroom before year’s end.

The program is designed to serve nutritionally well-balanced breakfasts that meet the current USDA nutrition standards for the School Breakfast Program (SBP).  The BIC program is an in-class model that encourages all students to participate in breakfast.

States across the country are requiring schools to make the transition toward non-traditional breakfast service like Breakfast in the Classroom.  In fact, 12 states have already enacted legislation that require low-income schools with low breakfast participation to implement non-traditional breakfast service.

According to the Food Research & Action Center’s recently released School Breakfast Scorecard, more than 226,000 low-income children in Missouri participated in the national School Breakfast Program on an average school day in 2017-2018.  Operation Food Search notes that 17.4 percent of children in Missouri – nearly one in six children – live in households that struggle with hunger.










KSDK.com: https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/education/breakfast-in-the-classroom-improves-student-performance/63-a12d063a-75d2-470b-bea9-b2a0f3e0a878

KMOV: https://www.kmov.com/news/grant-provides-breakfast-to-students-in-in-north-co-school/article_cfa89400-3f91-11e9-8489-87c4cac1d5f5.html

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